Hello Everyone!
This is just a note to let you all know that I won't be on for a couple of weeks. I have a little visitor with me for a week that I am prepping for preschool. I must say he really enjoyed doing "school" with Oma today. My hopes are to help get him started, because he is behind, while my son looks for a better preschool for him.
I am also getting ready for my granddaughters First Birthday! We will be going to South Carolina to see her and we are taking the party with us! For all of you who have been following me, you know this is a milestone for our little Junebug as her early start was rocky. So pictures will follow!
While we are gone we are also picking up my oldest sister, Linda. She is joining in the celebration and we are excited to have her coming home with us for an extended stay! I love it when she comes to stay as she lives all the way in New Jersey where I was raised and I don't get to see her often, so we try to kidnap her for several months at a time, lol.
With all that being said, I will be very busy. If I happen to make something, I may pop on my facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/thecraftingfool/, and post it. But, I will not have time to write a blog here, so don't be surprised if it's 3 weeks or so before I am back because I will have to get resettled when I get back as well.
Thanks for your understanding.
If you would like to help support my blog or card ministries, I do cards for Honor Flight as well as donating cards to church ladies to send to the sick, shut in's, etc., then please place an order at my store. Your order will help my business continue. If you would like to be a part of my team, click here. I would love to have you join me! Or if you would like to host a party, contact me at, deb.craftingfool@gmail.com, and in the message subject line state "host a party," don't forget to leave a message with the best way to contact you! Thank You!
The Crafting Fool
Deb B