
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

In the Word Wednesday-Genesis 22 The Faith of Abraham

Hello Everyone!

I am back from vacation and I surely had a wonderful time with my family. I hope you all had a great week, or two while I was gone. My granddaughter has grown go much! For those of you that are following along with me, June is doing just great! I will put a picture at the end for you so you can see how far she has come!

On with the Bible study.
In Chapter 22 I learn more about Abraham's Faith. The gal I am doing my study with, titled this chapter, "Abraham's Test", I like to title it, "Abraham's Faith" because it shows just how much faith Abraham truly has.
God asked Abraham to take his son Issac to the region of Moriah and sacrifice him. Yes, sacrifice him! Can you even imagine. I can not. Abraham does as he is told, he take Issac to Moriah and builds and alter. Then when Issac asks where the lamb to be sacrificed is, Abraham tells him God will provide it. Then Abraham proceeds to place his son on that alter. My heart is aching here. Now, when Abraham raises his knife to kill his son, an angel of the Lord called out to Abraham. Abraham, stopped and answered, "Here I am".  The angel told him not to lay a hand on the boy, and that he knew he feared God because he did not withhold his only son. And then Abraham looked up and saw a ram that God provided.
Abraham knew all along that God would provide for the sacrifice and He did. What faith Abraham had in God. And he was very blessed for it. If only I could have a little of his faith.

Over this passed week we did a major drive. We drove from Indiana through several states picking up my dear sister in New Jersey, taking her with us on vacation to Norfolk Virginia to visit the Naval Base our father was stationed at and then on to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to visit with our daughter and see our darling little granddaughter for her 1st Birthday. For those of you who don't know. Our granddaughter was a preemie. 4 lb 3oz, she has a heart defect that will have to be dealt with later, but she is growing and doing just great.
She went from this little fighter:
To this happy, healthy, sassy, little angel:

We were blessed with safe travel. The reason I mention the drive is this. I am terrified of driving. My husband gets angry, very angry at stupid people and doesn't exactly act kindly in response to them. I just get totally nerve racked at the whole experience of it all. I worry. I panic. During this drive I prayed. I prayed a lot. And I reflected.
When our children were very small, we took a trip to New Jersey at Christmas time to visit my family. To do this we had to go through the mountains of Pennsylvania. While driving it began to snow hard and we could barely see. I was praying, and our small son was in the back seat laughing, mind you, it was night and he should have been sleeping but Jeramy being Jeramy, was awake. Anyway, he was laughing. I asked him what he was laughing about and he said, he was laughing at the Angels that were smiling at him through the window of the car. So I asked him what Angels, and he said all the Angels flying around the car. In that moment I knew we were being protected from the storm. So while we were driving this week, whenever I was afraid, I prayed that the Lord send legions of Angels to be our bumpers to protects on the roads, in the mountains, through the rain, to calm John, to make my worries go away and get us home safely. I had faith God would bring us home in one piece and He did! God is Good!
God also has given us a miracle in Little JuneBug, Born too soon with a heart defect and other difficulties, but just look at her. She is doing so well!
God really is Good!
Thanks everyone for stopping by, have a blessed week!
Deb B
The Crafting Fool!!

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